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Núria Terés Bonet

Barcelona 1962 - Girona 2016

Year of approval: 2017

Area: 14.900m2

Location: Santa Eugènia, 17006

Núria Terés i Bonet was born in Barcelona in 1962, she was a great biologist as well as a secondary school teacher and tutor for adolescents with mental disorders. She was basically formed in the fields of gender, interculturality and co-education.

"Changes in the model of femininity and the construction of new feminities, have not been accompanied by the construction of new masculinities. It is urgent to regain co-education. "

"The lack of reflection on the coeducation and the abolition of stereotypes, as well as an accommodation to a supposed normalcy in gender equality, make the school reproduce sexist social patterns in the school."

She collaborated with various entities such as the Jaume Bofill Foundation and the Multiculturalism and Gender research group of the UB.

"The richness of diversity in schools is based on differences between people and not gender differences."

She was a feminist and defended women's rights. From 2003 to 2006 she chaired the “Equality” collective. In addition she was member of the Commission of the Latin American Agenda and the Secretariat of Working Pastoral of the Bishopric. In 2007 she was Councilor of the City of Girona for ICV-EUiA (during the Mayor's office of Anna Pagans) of the areas of Education and Cooperation. She married Albert Quintana and they had four children; she died in Santa Eugènia in 2016.

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