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Josepa Arnall Juan

Vila-sacra, Alt Empordà 1948 - 2002 (53 years old)

Year of approval: 2002

Length: 270 metres

Location: South, 17003

Josepa Arnall i Juan was a Catalan researcher and teacher, as well as a historian, philologist, paleologist and archivist. She married Joan Murull and they had two children. She was a professor of Historiographic Sciences and Techniques at the University of Barcelona. She remained very attached to her village and history, to which she dedicated some of her work, becoming the first local historian. This was the scene of her family life and she had been rooting to it for her whole life. One of the great professional connections was where she worked, the University of Barcelona as a collaborator with the Department of Instrumental Sciences, where she continued the cursus honorum until obtaining, in 1979, the position of assistant professor as a numerary member. Academically taught in Classical Philology, in 1975, in the Department of Paleography and Diplomacy, she defended his doctoral thesis Los manuscritos, incunables y demás impresos de la Biblioteca del Convento de San José de Barcelona, ​​a work that deserved an excellent mark cum laude. From there she focused her research on meticulous observation of texts as historical products.

Those who knew her described Josepa as a hardworking, generous, enthusiastic, rigorous and committed person. She was a great connoisseur of the archives of Figueres, Girona and Barcelona, ​​where she participated in research, publishing and teaching activities. Her research work in the Municipal Archive of Girona was decisive for the transcription, identification, cataloging and recording of royal letters, with a chronological scope of more than four centuries (1293-1714). She is the author, among other works, of L’escriptura a les terres gironines, segles IX-XVIII (‘Writing in Girona lands, 9th-18th centuries’) (1993, 1 vol.) and of Lletres reials a la ciutat de Girona: 1293-1515 (‘Royal Letters in the city of Girona: 1293-1515’) (2000, 2 vol.). In addition, in 2005 Lletres reials a la ciutat de Girona 1517-1713 (‘Royal Letters in the city of Girona: 1517-1713’) was published as a posthumous work of Josepa Arnall with the collaboration of Anna Gironella, the third volume which completed the first two that Josepa was able to finish and publish while alive.

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