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Montserrat Roig Fransitorra

Barcelona 1946 - 1991 

Year of approval: 1993

Length: 132 metres

Location: West, 17007

Montserrat Roig was a writer from Barcelona that was born in 1946 and wrote novels,  journalistic articles and other literary genres in Catalan. Also she appeared in television doing interviews to prior writers to her. 

She was born in a liberal bourgeois family and studied Primary and Secondary School and got a license in Philosophy and Letters. Soon she won the Víctor Català Award with her novel Molta roba i poc sabó…i tant neta que la volen (“Lots of clothes and little soap...and so clean that they want it”) in 1971. Later, the novel El temps de les cireres(1977) (“The cherries time”) took her to win the Sant Jordi Award. Both in the literary field and in the journalistic one she focused on two opposite subjects and simultaneously supplementary that were the collective commitment and the search of her personal identity, and also her thoughts as a Catalan, a feminist and a leftist were seen in her works. Since she was young she also participated in politics, taking part of different parties, assemblies, trade unions, associations, etc.

Some of her most famous works would be Ramona, adéu (1972) (“Ramona, bye”), based in female protagonists, Els catalans als camps nazis (1977) (“The Catalans in the Nazi Concentration Camps”), with many witnesses and El Feminisme (1984)(“The Feminism”), that reflected her fight for the women rights. Her last feminist novel was L’hora violeta (1980) (“The violet time”). From then on her works changed a little bit and her last novel was published in 1991, Digues que m’estimes encara que sigui mentida (“Tell me that you love me even if it’s a lie”), some months before she died due to a breast cancer.

According to the writer Marta Pessarrodona, the work of Montserrat Roig is an abundant and a plural one, what justifies why she is considered the first total writer of the Catalan literature.

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