Antònia Adroher Pascual
Girona, Gironès, 1915 — Banyuls de la Marenda (Rosselló) 2007
Year of approval: 1999
Length: 103 metres
Location: Eixample, 17005
Sister of the politician Enric Adroher Pascual, she studied in the Normal School of the Catalunya Generalitat, where she got her grade in teaching studies in 1934. She was an activist of the Spanish Federation of Teaching Workers (FETE), and in 1935 she took part in the Labor Party of Marxist Unification, working as the secretary. From October 1936 she was the municipal rector of Culture and Advertising in the Girona Local Government. When she was twenty-three years old she was the first woman to get a position in this institution, from where she fought against the illiteracy and fought for the improvement of the scholar conditions and the pedagogical renovation. Also, from 1936 to 1939 she was the owner of the CENU, the Board of the New Unificated School, that created a new secular school, free, in catalan and with coeducation.Exiled in 1939, she was in different concentration camps.
In the fifties she settled with her companion Carmel Rosa, also an activist in the POUM, in Paris, where she worked as an Spanish teacher, and took part actively in the activities done in the Catalan Country House and the anti-Franco fought from the exile. In 1977 she returned to Catalunya and took part in the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC-PSOE). She published memoir with Carmel Rosa, La llavor dels somnis (“The seed of dreams”) in 2001. She won the Mestres 68 Award (2000) and the Sant Jordi Cross (2006).