Lola Anglada Sarriera
Barcelona 1892 - Tiana 1984
Year of approval: 1998
Length: 225 metres
Location: South, 17003

Dolors Anglada i Sarriera, known as Lola, was a children's cartoonist and storyteller born in Barcelona in 1892. She was one of the most prominent writers of the pre-war period. From a young age she studied in Llotja and collaborated in children's magazines such as Cu-cut! and En Patufet as a writer and cartoonist. In addition, she created a magazine for girls, called La Nuri. So, she became the first professional illustrator, realizing her yearnings of a world where women have an active and important role. In 1912 she exhibited with her teacher Joan Llaverias and in 1916 she exhibited story illustrations individually in the Galeries Laietanes. The following year the first books with drawings by her were published and in 2020 the first books written and illustrated by herself. She later settled in Paris, where she continued doing similar work. In 1923 she returned to Catalonia and from 1928 she published some of her most successful works: Peret, Margarida, Monsignor, Llargandaix, Narcís… In addition, she participated in politics during the Civil War with the Commissioner of Advertising of the Generalitat, the Catalanist Union and the UGT, and this made Franco's supporters took a dim view of her. She continued to publish during the war and when it finished she completely changed her subject and settled in Tiana, on a family country estate, where she died in 1984.